Looking for a simple, easy guide that will teach you how to start a weblog and brand money in 2022?

Y'all've come to the right place!

Kindly hold my illustrated hand, and allow's get started.

I will show you how to start a blog that makes money from the beginning. Hold my hand and read these step by step instructions.

This is a super easy guide that you tin follow especially if y'all have a null-tech groundwork.

Y'all will learn how to choose a profitable blogging niche, gear up upwards a blog from scratch, and sympathise the fundamentals of blogging so you can grow quickly with ease.

I will besides teach you how to write your first mail service and make money with your blog.

First of all…

What is a Blog?

A Blog is a Website that is regularly updated with content displayed in reverse chronological order that either educates or entertains the reader.

A Blog is Website that is continuously updated with posts that are displayed in reverse chornoligcal order. I didn't mean to scare you. Can we showtime over?

How practice bloggers brand money blogging?

1. A blog helps yous gain clients

No matter how talented or skilled you are as an Creative person/Designer/Illustrator/Writer/VA/Social Media Director/etc., it will be hard for you to build authority and constitute yourself in your field if y'all don't have a blog or some kind of online presence.

By continuously blogging almost your expertise, people will kickoff recognizing y'all in your field.

Whether y'all are a writer/artist/blogger, your weblog volition become your very ain Portfolio.

Let me requite you a pocket-size example.

Say, I'm a Website Designer.

This isn't so difficult to imagine because this is what I did for a living a few years ago.

Now say, I consistently publish posts related to website edifice, plugin installments, and lists on how to optimize your website and and so on…

Someone who wants to know how to implement a WordPress plugin stumbles upon my postal service and realizes that I'm an Expert in Website Building.

They empathise how complicated it is and instead of building it themselves, contact me and hire me to build their website.

And voila!

I've just earned a Website Deal via my blog!

So, this is the underground sauce to bagging clients.

The benefits of blogging are multiple fold. Blogging not only makes you look like an expert but also helps you gain clients easily.

Don't effort escaping. This handbag is made of 200GSM paper.

Not only does having a blog make yous await super professional, simply information technology becomes very piece of cake for your potential clients to discover you and contact you.

And a Blog works for any field!

I'one thousand currently an Illustrator and a Comic Artist.

And later launching my electric current website and standing to blog, I slowly watched my email Inbox explode with Illustration requests.

The process is simple.

It goes like this…

The workflow of attracting a reader to your blog to gaining a client.

Run into how piece of cake-peasy information technology is?

2. A blog helps you make money online

Start a blog to make money online. It's one of the best ways to make money in today's world.

Male child, I wish we had trees like this in real life…

Every Polly, Molly, and Dolly is starting a blog these days.

The chief reason is it gives y'all flexibility.

People can brand coin online without having to work from nine-five.

The investment is low, and the pay-offs are high!

When information technology comes to blogging, your earning potential is limitless considering there are tons of ways to brand money blogging.

No doubt, when you initially start your blog, you accept to put in a lot of effort to go it off the footing by writing damn good content consistently.

This blog is a niggling over a year old, and I am currently making anywhere between $4000-$5000 a month blogging, including my freelancing services.

Y'all tin read my sixth Month Blogging Income Study here.

three. A blog helps you build a Brand

Similar to what I said earlier, your weblog will help you constitute your make.

This is very important if y'all want to pave the way for your personal Success. No matter what you want to be in the hereafter, a Web log is a swell way to get eyes on your brand and commencement a Business.

A Blog tells people your story.

A Blog is a great way to tell your story to the world. This is one of the reasons you should start a blog!

Whether you want to sell digital products like eCourses or eBooks, be known as a Speaker, or simply brand a name for yourself, your blog will assistance you get at that place.

As you keep publishing posts that help establish your authority, yous will create new opportunities for you in your field of business.

Thanks to my blog, I've received invitations to speak near my business organisation in my local area, and it has only helped found my Brand and Concern meliorate!

I've made countless digital product sales, and I've got more optics on my Comics. It volition only go further up from here.

How my weblog made me my first $1000

I get a lot of emails every week asking me for tips related to blogging, and it brings dorsum then many memories of when I starting time started.

I started my first blog in 2015 every bit a hobby.

It was called Mary Angela Designs. However, it doesn't be anymore. And for a whole year, I made peanuts. Well, not peanuts. Because peanuts… you can sell.

I made zero nothing.

By not structuring your blog correctly, or not deciding your niche properly, growing your blog will be difficult. That's why it's very important to choose a profitable niche before starting a blog.

Information technology was a hard pill to eat. My blog was making no money.

And on Oct 11th, 2016, I'd had enough.

I made a plan to monetize my blog.

And I did.

It didn't accept me longer than two weeks to earn my first $300 when a woman hired me to create some doodles for her. I started offer my services on my website and signed up to be an Amazon Chapter.

In November, I had earned my first $k through my illustrating services and products.


In Dec, I took a long break to modify my website to cater to the correct crowd. And I spent more time writing a solid Business concern Plan.

And guess what happened?

My page views and subscribers doubled. I got 2000 subscribers in less than 30 days, which resulted in a massive heave in my Amazon affiliate sales.

In other words, I was able to brand an income doing something I loved – writing and drawing.

All this while staying at home and having more than time to give my beloved pooches.

So, in brusque, blogging helps you lot build a brand and name for yourself and helps y'all sell your products or services. And can exist used to make money online.

Now, let'southward learn how to offset a weblog and brand coin.

If y'all don't take a blog or are thinking of starting one, I have a gratuitous seven-day email course (extremely detailed) that will help you outset a blog that makes coin on autopilot!

Start a blog that makes money from day 1. The Ultimate free email course on starting a profitable blog that gains lots of blog traffic and grows quickly! Learn how to discover your profitable niche, write viral blog posts, create a blog content plan and sales funnels. #startablog #emailcourse #freedownload

How to start a money-making Blog in 2018 | This step-by-step tutorial on starting your blog is what you need. Do you want to start a blog? | Start a WordPress blog | start a website | start a blog with Bluehost | Beginner guide to starting a blog | If you're not sure how to start a blog or choose a good web host, this step-by-step tutorial will help you make a blog.

This postal service includes affiliate links to products I truly (from the lesser of my heart) recommend, pregnant at no extra toll to you, I may earn a small percentage which I will use to buy my poor dogs nutrient.

The money earned from affiliate links are used to feed my poor, hungry dogs.

Do not start an online blog with the sole intention of making coin

Starting a blog is super easy.

But continuing to blog consistently for an extended period is unbelievably difficult. It takes fourth dimension, patience, and a whole lot of grueling.

This is one of the main reasons why many bloggers somewhen fail.

They enthusiastically start a web log and churn out blog posts faster than yous tin can say "cheese cracker," and within a few months, there's non a peep from them.

Y'all stop receiving their emails.

Their terminal updated blog post was three months ago.

And you never hear from them once again.


Because they were just blogging to earn a quick buck.

They lose interest in blogging when the coin doesn't come rolling in ASAP.

Blogging isn't a get-rich-quick kind of scheme. It takes time to build an audience and make a full-time income.

It'due south non that easy, Sarah…

They weren't blogging for passion.

There was no zing.

It is very important to blog about

The zing is crucial, hon, because the zing is what fuels your writing.

And if you don't take a zing, you don't stand a run a risk to make money with your blog.

Therefore, y'all must have a passion for writing and being heard. You must exist strong-willed and be ready to learn something new every single twenty-four hours.

And most importantly, you must treat your weblog equally a Business concern from Twenty-four hours 1 before yous get-go an online web log.

Apart from that, yous require a blogging niche.

What is a web log niche?

A blog niche ways that every post you lot write in your blog volition specifically cater to one type of audience or niche. Meaning you volition exist blogging about ane specific topic.

But is having a blog niche actually necessary?

Why do we Bloggers really require a blog niche? Read this post to find out!

I'm a dice-hard fan of mail service-it notes.

Yep, mainly for 2 reasons.

ane. Having a blog niche helps you grow faster

Co-ordinate to Google, by constantly talking almost 1 topic, y'all become an expert in it.

Say you find a blog that has posts on

  • Choosing the correct pencils for shading
  • The Best cross-hatching sketching technique
  • Different types of paper to use for sketching

and so on…

Past reading a number of these posts, yous will automatically believe that the Blogger is an good in sketching.

By constantly blogging about your expertise, people will understand that you are an expert in a particular field. And once that happens, you will be able to sell digital products and your services. This is one of the biggest reasons you should start a blog!

No questions asked!

These posts will too start ranking higher on Google.


Because Search Engines similar Google like to show posts written by Experts, they believe these posts will enhance their user feel because the Blogger in question knows what they are talking virtually!

And having l+ posts that are focused on ane topic is the best way to practice that. Google loves when yous are super focused on one topic.

2. Having a blog niche helps you make coin faster too

Imagine you take a DIY blog that teaches people to make origami.

It is easier to sell origami tutorials to your readers if your Blog is about origami. But it's difficult to do the same if you blog about everything.

Tin you believe that this started out similar a swan?

Information technology becomes easier for you to sell origami tutorials to your readers considering they are interested in them!

Still, if your blog is about Travel and Origami, selling origami tutorials to all your readers will be slightly tricky.

Sure, there may be some readers interested in both Travel and Origami, simply what are the chances that you volition be able to make the aforementioned amount of sales?

Pretty less, right?

If you're still non convinced, let me give y'all some other instance. Say you want to lose weight!

Which weblog will you lean more towards?

  1. A Blog that has 15 posts on Fitness, 12 posts on Dieting, 15 posts on Do (or)
  2. A blog with ten posts on Travel, eight on Fine art, and 12 on Fitness?

Definitely the first one, right?

It's human nature to acquaintance people with merely one thing.

Nosotros automatically believe the person is an expert in something if they are focused on one topic solitary.

So, now that you empathize how important a blog niche is, let'south motion on to choosing a assisting blog niche.

The 2 Parameters for choosing your Blog Niche earlier you start an online blog

1. Your blogging niche should be closely related to what you're passionate about and accept some experience in.

To discover your blogging niche, ask yourself if this is something yous're passionate nearly. Think back on all the blog posts you like to read.

To find our your blogging niche, ask yourself what interests you? Don't just start a blog without having a niche.

What do you actually get excited about?

I am interested in creative hobbies.

I have fabricated money as a Graphic Designer, a Spider web Designer, an Illustrator, and I've sold a lot of digital products as well.

And so, I know quite a bit about Online Businesses. And that's why I'm comfy teaching it to my audience.

Since, I have lots of experience with online businesses and I'm creative, I've combined my love for teaching and creating into my Blog.

As well, enquire yourself, what is information technology that you're passionate almost?

What do you envision yourself teaching to your audition?

2. Your blog niche needs to focus on a problem that'due south worldwide and has people prepare to pay money for solutions

I'm sorry, only if you're passionate about dogs, you should not create a blog on making socks for dogs.

When picking a blog niche, you have to choose a niche that's based on a wide-spread problem. This will ensure that people are ready to pay money for the solutions you offer. So, this rules out starting a blog that sells dog socks.

This is the harsh truth about blogging. I don't deny that it will be an adorable blog, just I doubt if people will be willing to spend money on it.

When you lot cull a niche, you have to make sure that yous are solving a worldwide problem.

People spend money on solutions to problems that they really, really want to solve.

The easiest way to make sure that your niche is profitable is to go to Google Search and blazon the proper noun of the niche you're interested in.

If it'southward pregnancy, and so wait at a few pregnancy blogs. See if they are successful. Watch how they're monetizing their Blogs.

If it looks doable, you've found your perfect niche.

All in all, you have to notice a niche that y'all are passionate about and is super assisting.

It means that you volition take a strong base of readers who will love your web log and spend money on it.

Yous may be wondering if it has already been done before, why carp?

Considering the need is high.

If there are a lot of blogs in the niche you've chosen, you know for sure that there is super high demand. This volition get in easier for yous to monetize this niche!

If information technology is difficult to narrow down your niche, you lot can blog about 2-three closely related topics and group them in a unmarried niche.

Allow me give yous an case.

The other mean solar day, a young daughter wrote to me because she blogged about dazzler, style, and student life. She wanted to niche downward and didn't know if she should scrap her web log and first a new one or give upwards altogether.

I told her she didn't need to start from scratch.

She could but rename her niche to Student Beauty Hacks, where her blog gives makeup and fashion tips for students who want to look their best!

Just know whom yous're writing for, and it will exist super easy to effigy out your niche!

You are at present ready to offset your weblog.

What practise Domain and Hosting really mean?

A domain name is your website URL.

E.one thousand.: (www.facebook.com or www.yahoo.com or www.straycurls.com) and your hosting is where your website will alive – imagine it as a house where your petty blog is going to stay.

The bigger your website/blog gets, the more than housing space you lot crave.

Now, showtime, we volition name your Blog baby and and so buy it a house for it to stay in.

Choosing a Domain Name

In the get-go footstep, we will only choose a domain proper name, non buy it.

Skip this step if you've already decided what your website volition be called and you're sure the domain is available.

How to come up upwardly with a good Domain Name?

The first step in choosing a domain name is not to fret almost it too much.

There are a few rules to follow, but I'll get to it in a minute.

Remember, no matter what domain proper name you continue with, it is your content that will take you to the final leagues.

Hither are a few tips on choosing a good name earlier you start an online blog:

  1. Never go along your domain name besides long. It will become disruptive for repeat visitors.
  2. Make sure information technology'southward piece of cake to spell.
  3. Cull a .com because it's super easy to remember.
  4. If you lot're finding it hard to come up with a domain name, yous can create something that describes the niche you're in. For case, accept Saranya, who chose to go with 1 Fine Wallet because her blog is all nearly finance and savings.
  5. For inspiration, look up your competitors. Attempt non to keep it similar to theirs; you lot want to stand out!
  6. When all else fails, become with your own proper noun. Encounter how Kimi Kinsey is rocking her blog.
  7. Think of what you lot desire to recall and utilize words that resonate with that!

My domain proper noun is Stray Curls because I wanted people to associate me with curly pilus. Plus, it's actually catchy!

It has zero to practice with blogging and online business, but hey, information technology works!

You can check the availability of your domain here:

Please remember that people volition love your blog no matter what your domain proper noun is because they're coming to read your content, not gawk at your blog'south URL.

Choosing a good and reliable Hosting

Why free hosting sucks rotten potatoes

If you start a free blog, people can smell your hesitation a mile away. You're only setting yourself up for failure.

Never choose a free hosting platform.

*stomps the ground with her giant clown feet*


I know that when yous're just starting your blog, you want to go with the least expensive road.

I become it. I've been there.

But the chief problem with free hosting is that your website volition look like this – wwww.cupcakemania.wordpress.com or world wide web.cupcakemania.weebly.com – ugh.

It's identifiable from a distance.

And when readers stumble upon your web log, they will take 1 look at that URL and go, "Eh, this lady can't fifty-fifty spend money on a decent website; she's not a professional person. I'm out of here!"

Considering it's just how people retrieve.

Say you're selling cupcakes. And instead of having a domain that looks similar www.cupcakesbydolly.com, information technology looks similar world wide web.cupcakesbydolly.wordpress.com. Do you think people will buy your cupcakes?

Quality matters. Do not opt for a free domain or hosting. People can smell your hesitation and fear a mile away. And if you do not believe in your own business, why should they? Baker illustration with cupcake

They're going to assume that you're also cutting corners on the ingredients.

Remember, people ain't stupid.

Gratis hosting will undermine the quality of your weblog, and it's going to exist hard to try and go people to spend money on your blog.

It's deplorable and unethical, merely everyone judges a volume past its comprehend.

Everyone judges a book by its cover. So, if you start a blog that has free hosting, you can be assured that people are not going to stick around your blog for long.

And if that doesn't convince yous, here are a few more reasons why yous should non start a blog for gratuitous:

  1. Affiliate Marketing becomes impossible. It's difficult to utilise to Affiliate Programs when you have a blog on free Hosting. No Brand or Company would desire to exist associated with a gratis blog. It tarnishes their image.
  2. You cannot place ads freely. Getting accustomed into Advertizement programs becomes very hard because of the reasons mentioned above.
  3. You can lose everything without any notice. Tomorrow, the free blogging platform yous've chosen can shut down, and your website will exist wiped make clean. Or they tin alter the rules, and yous'll take to get-go from scratch. It's extremely risky!
  4. Ranking on Search Engines is close to impossible. You can say cheerio to your search rankings because Google will never rank free websites in their Search Results. Call back, they want to provide but the best user experience to their readers.
  5. Your domain will look hideous. This will automatically drive people away.

Hosting and a Website Theme are the two things that you should not compromise with your web log.

Which host to cull?

At that place are many hosting companies to choose from, and when yous're just starting, it'south expert to starting time with a inexpensive hosting platform.

This way, you can test the waters before dipping yourself in completely!

When you're just starting a blog, it's okay to choose a cheaper hosting platform. This is the best way to test the waters and see if your Blog will make you money. That way you're not losing anything.

If you start gaining an audience and realize that blogging is meant for you, you can move on to faster and meliorate-paid hosting.

The Best Host for Blogging Newbies

*whips out her pokéball*

I choose you Bluehost! When you're just starting your Blog, its better to go for a cheaper Hosting Platform. And in my opinion, Bluehost is best for Beginner bloggers!

Man, I tin actually rock a low ponytail…

I cull you lot, Bluehost!

I admittedly love Bluehost because information technology'due south quick, efficient, cost-constructive and reliable.

It's the perfect solution for Beginner Bloggers.

They have 24/vii customer support, but they also give you a coin-back guarantee if y'all're non happy.

Now, that's confidence!

Apart from this, WordPress gets installed automatically!

Yous'll also get free SSL.

Ain't that sweet?

And the best benefit of all: You lot get a complimentary domain! This is why I didn't tell you to buy a domain earlier.

Why buy a domain when Bluehost allows you to pick 1 for free?

(Click hither if y'all're in India and want to see Bluehost India)

Why Bluehost is good for making a blog

Boosted features include:

  1. Checkout Sitelock Security: Allows y'all to monitor your web log and help you go Business organization Verification. If you're planning to offer services on your website, you want to check this out.
  2. Codeguard Basic: This keeps multiple backups of your website. If you lot ever make a website boo-boo, you can restore the last working backup!
  3. SEO Tools: Bluehost gives yous fantastic SEO tools that you can apply to grow your blog traffic organically. Here is a screenshot of how information technology looks!

Bluehost provides you with amazing SEO tools that you can use to grow your organic traffic!



Now, since this is a step-by-step tutorial, click here to visit Bluehost and I'll guide you through the whole process of starting a web log.

Baby steps.

Get ahead, and click the Get Started Now button. I'll expect over here.

Get started with Bluehost now

Okay… are nosotros washed?

Choose a package

Choose your Bluehost Package

If you're simply starting out, you can choose the bones plan and slowly move your way upwards when yous feel your website needs more space or grows a fiddling bigger.

Type in your domain name

At present you're going to take to pick a domain proper noun if y'all already haven't done it before.

The skillful news is, if yous've already purchased a domain, y'all can click the second option. If non, then think of a good and suitable domain name (if you haven't already) and select the get-go.

Choose a domain name on Bluehost to move tot he next step.

If, however, y'all can't recollect of a domain name, that's not an issue at all! Just click on "I'll create my domain later on."

Did y'all know that I had no name for eight days subsequently beingness born? Yep. My parents couldn't decide on what to name their firstborn child.

To think that they had ix months to come upwards with one…

Afterwards this, you will be asked to enter your payment and address details.

Inbound Business relationship Information

Account Information

Below, you volition have to choose your parcel details.

Package Information

The all-time selection, in my opinion, is either 36 months or threescore months because although this is a lot of money to pay upfront, information technology's a massive saving in the future.

If you choose the almost expensive programme, y'all will only pay 5.95 per calendar month, which means you salvage almost 2 dollars every calendar month or $24 in ane year!

Inbound Payment Details

Beneath, you will have to enter your payment details.

Payment information

Subsequently you're done, click the little box to concord to all the terms and conditions (which no one reads anyhow) and click submit.


On the adjacent page, you're going to find some add-ons. You don't need these for your blog, then just click on "complete."

All washed!

Congratulations! You lot've just purchased your domain and hosting. And you've finished the first step of building your website.

Now, set a good, strong countersign, until the bar shows green and you get this screen.

Bluehost will have already installed WordPress for you. So, all that'south left is to pick a default theme. Just pick i. Nosotros will choose a meliorate theme later.

In one case you're in, you will be able to come across your Website's Dashboard! This sweetheart, is where all the magic happens!



The Best Hosting for Intermediate Bloggers

If you've already been blogging for 2-3 years, I highly suggest that you motion over to Dreamhost.

It's not expensive at all.

  1. They have minimal downtime. If you're getting over 30K pageviews, this will aid keep things smooth.
  2. They are specially built for WordPress. They load WordPress websites super fast.
  3. Free SSL. Client support is first-class.

Overall, once your website becomes more pop and yous start creating more pages, I suggest you shift from Bluehost to SiteGround because the user feel becomes better and faster!

The expense won't pinch you because you lot'll exist earning a good income from your blog past then.

Both of these Hosting Companies download WordPress automatically. Moving on to my favorite part of the Website – The Theme.

Choosing a pretty and SEO friendly WordPress Theme

One time y'all're in your Website'south Dashboard, yous can selection a dainty, customizable theme.

A theme is like a wearing apparel.

You can modify information technology whenever you feel similar information technology, brand modifications, accessorize, and look all glamorous to conform your style.

Might I suggest, Madame, that yous start with Elegant Themes equally they are a adult female's starting time choice when building a beautiful and powerful website theme?

Divi is personally a favourite amidst Bloggers considering it allows Bloggers to get any they want via drag-and-drop.


No coding.

Additionally, it allows Google to index your website extremely easy. This is something you desire because it volition help you get onto the front page of Google's Search Results!

Elegant Themes is constantly updating and adding new themes to their library. They also accept fantabulous customer back up.

This is most important when you lot are buying a theme for your WordPress Website.

It's a very elegant solution.

Elegant Themes - Divi is a beautiful theme for Bloggers. It's a drag and drop theme and is extremely flexible!

Because if you are unable to figure out something, you don't desire to exist left in the dark.

Their Support Team will help yous with any doubts or difficulties that you may have. And Elegant Themes is very simple and like shooting fish in a barrel to use, especially if yous're a newbie blogger with no prior website edifice experience.

What I love about Divi is that it's highly fashionable and customizable. See how easy their drag-and-drop feature is!

Divi is a drag-and-drop theme that is extremely flexible and stylish!

Did I mention that you get over 800+ premade website layouts when y'all buy Divi?

Choosing a free WordPress theme is one of the biggest SEO mistakes to avoid! Divi comes with over 800+ premade website layouts! You don't need to struggle with complicated website designs anymore! Just pick what suits your fancy.

This eliminates the need to become a Designer because you'll accept and so many pre-made layouts to choose from! This is super useful if you don't want to waste matter time trying to figure out how to pattern your website!

And if you lot buy Divi, yous will get access to future pre-made layouts!

Note: Whenever you are picking a WordPress Theme, option a theme that has a lot of demos and pre-made layouts. This makes it easy to change the look of your website without having to buy another theme.

Culling WordPress Theme

I am currently using the Avada Theme by Envato Marketplace for my blog considering I love tweaking things and adding code. It's a sometime fee, unlike Divi, and it costs but $60!

It's super pretty and highly flexible. And its support staff is really good! It also integrates with a lot of plugins which I love the most.

Additionally, information technology as well comes with a lot of pretty demos.

You can check them out hither.

This makes building your web log so much easier.

SEO-wise, this is one of the best WordPress themes because information technology allows Google to quickly index and clamber your website.

It'southward not a elevate-and-drop theme like Divi, just it'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to set up.

You lot can check out the Avada WordPress theme here!

And here's another alternate complimentary theme for your WordPress Website.

Installing must-accept plugins on your web log

There are quite a few plugins that yous should get, but I will list the few that make a big difference.

  1. Akismet – You're going to be getting a lot of spam comments equally a newbie blogger. I speak from feel, yo. Akismet makes sure that this doesn't happen. Information technology kicks all the spam comments in the booty.
  2. Amend Click To Tweet – This plugin allows you to add tweets within your Blog Mail, meaning your reader can just click on the pre-written tweet and tweet it! Own't that awesome? More traffic to you and your weblog baby. Woot woot!
  3. Simple Author Box – This will add an Author Box with all your social media icons on all your posts, and then you don't look like an anonymous blogger on your blog.
  4. Yoast SEO – For Google and other websites to find you ameliorate, SEO is a treasure in disguise. This plugin helped me go some of my blog posts on the beginning folio of Google. And this is by far my favorite plugin because it has gained me a lot of blog traffic! In my opinion, download the free version when y'all're just starting. Afterwards a year or 2, upgrade to the premium version. It'south worth it.
  5. Like shooting fish in a barrel Social Icons – This is the best social media icons pack. Information technology'due south customizable and has tons of options! I uploaded my own social media icons, and yous can embed this widget anywhere – your footer, sidebar, or posts!
  6. Smush Image Compression – This plugin will smush your images which will boost your website'south speed because all of your photos will be optimized!
  7. Social Warfare – This is the best social media sharing plugin I've establish and then far. Goose egg beats the clean and neat design of Social Warfare.

Over fourth dimension, you will find lots of plugins that will accommodate your needs. But don't download information technology unless you find it absolutely necessary.

Using tons of plugins can slow down your website drastically.

By increasing your website's loading time, you will reduce your bounce rate!

Note: So, ever make sure that your plugins integrate nicely to give you a proper and fully functioning website. If yous have issues with a certain plugin or it's not updating as it should, delete it immediately and discover an alternative.

Writing the necessary Pages for your Blog

one. Offset with your Homepage

When people state on your website, they demand to know in less than 5 seconds what your website is well-nigh and who your blog serves.

Make your Homepage unique, pretty and extremely relevant.

There are a few things you can display on your habitation folio:

  • A little excerpt nigh yourself and a small-scale button leading to your About Page
  • Most Popular Blog posts (if you're just starting, then include the virtually recent posts)
  • A curt description of your services/products plus links leading back to them.
  • Include relevant keywords in your niche on your Domicile Page. This volition heave your SEO.

Your blog is about you and the things yous're passionate about.

You tin can always change the design of your Homepage so that information technology reflects the real you.

2. About Folio

Sometimes when your readers are going through your weblog mail, they're going to get curious and want to know who's the person behind that masterpiece.

So, they're going to peek at your Almost page.

This is by far the virtually essential page in your blog.

When you lot're writing your About Folio, you can include:

  • A lilliputian history about yourself: How old you are, where you live and why yous started your blog. When people know what drove you to commencement your blog, they will place with your passion and chronicle to you better.
  • Whom your blog serves: Write a chip of why you lot're writing your blog and whom your blog is for.
  • A relevant and high-converting opt-in: Include an extremely relevant opt-in that will get people on to your email list.

Additionally, yous tin read this postal service to learn how to write an extraordinary About Folio for your website.

3. Contact/Achieve Me Folio

If your readers love y'all and connect with you, they will want to write you little notes or hire you.

Aside from that, Companies and Brands volition too want to reach out to you lot.

Take your Contact Folio visible then that these people discover it easy to write to you. Additionally, the more open and outgoing y'all look, the faster yous build trust.

Notation: Brand certain that y'all include a link to your Contact page on your Menu, Sidebar and Footer.

Publishing quality content to gain loyal readers

When you first create your web log, you lot're going to be very eager to write many posts and fill your Blog Page with a huge quantity of posts.

Do. Non. Exercise. This. Please.

Having quantity is undeniably important only quality trumps quantity any day.

This post you're reading used to be one of the outset posts in my web log.

But notice how I've taken the fourth dimension to make information technology super detailed and long.

I also update this post every twelvemonth and then that it never becomes outdated.

Blogging is hard work, but it will pay off eventually. And the benefits you reap from a long and helpful blog mail are 10 times that of a brusque weblog post with no aim.

Your blog posts need to be detailed.

Every blog post you lot write must have a purpose.

Every blog post you write must have a particular call-to-action. Do not write posts for the sake of filling up your blog. This will not help you rise.

I'm changing my name to Robin Hood.

It must solve a problem for your readers, and to become an expert in your niche, you need to prove that you care.

You need to write content with your readers sticking around for more.

What kind of posts should you write?

Aim to write colonnade posts. Pillar posts are unremarkably evergreen posts.

Significant the information never becomes outdated. These are posts that will have people reading them throughout the year. Pillar posts are super detailed and lengthy.

If you write a pillar mail, you lot're mode ahead of 90% of the bloggers in your niche.

Let me explain how.

Imagine in that location is a postal service on the ten best foundations for summer.

Merely you become ahead and write a post on the unlike types of foundations for dissimilar skin tones.

You as well give examples of foundations for oily, dry, and combination peel. Additionally, you sort these foundations on cost so that the reader can make a well-informed choice.

Detailed Tutorials do very well on Blogs.

And to top it all off, you lot besides create a helpful tutorial video using your trusty camera.

Which post do yous recall Google volition be more inclined to rank first?

Yours, of course!

And then how do you write a detailed post?

one. Be detailed and solve one problem at a fourth dimension

Every time you write a blog postal service, try and tackle one problem at a time.

For instance, this post that you're reading teaches you to starting time a money-making blog.

But this post teaches you the unlike ways you tin make money with your web log. It sounds similar, but they're two completely different posts.

At the cease of the blog mail service, your reader must feel like they've learned something new and their lives are simply a little scrap better. Basically, they should be able to take what you've said and put it into action.

2. Every post must have a call-to-activity

Every blog mail service you write must have a specific call-to-action that must be decided before you lot write the post.

Your call to activeness can be annihilation:

  • Brand awareness
  • Lead generation
  • Raising awareness for one of your products/services
  • Boosting Traffic
  • Making an chapter commission
  • Getting more signups to your upcoming webinar

Based on your call-to-action, you lot have to create a mail service accordingly.

If I had a Fitness Blog, I'd write

  • 11 Exercises you lot can do in your hotel room (boosts traffic)
  • My Review on the Manus-Ga Yoga Mat (Chapter Mail)
  • Case Study: How Anna lost fifteen pounds in 2 months later joining The Skinny Gal fitness program (promoting my coaching business)

Once yous know what you lot want to accomplish, you lot can plan your blog content for the next three-six months. Or fifty-fifty an unabridged year. And once you lot practice this, write consistently so that your traffic grows smoothly.

It's piece of cake-peasy lemon squeezy!

Read these posts to aid yous:

  • Is affiliate marketing worth it? All your questions are answered!
  • 7 chapter marketing strategies to boost your sales!

3. Write long posts

Although y'all might feel like you're repeating yourself or mincing words, understand that your reader might not be an skilful in your field.

When they land on your weblog for the first fourth dimension, they don't know what to wait.

Your job every bit a blogger is to make each post super thorough and easy to read.

Remember, what y'all find basic information will exist hard for your readers.

You need to be able to break things down for them so that they understand what you're trying to convey.

And you can practise this by illustrating examples, giving them freebies, including infographics, or breaking a problematic passage into easy-to-swallow points.

four. Listen to your readers

Your readers and fans are going to write comments or emails to you. They will ask you lot questions or your thoughts on a particular field of study.

Use these emails and comments to develop even more blog post ideas.

Additionally, you can also use Facebook Groups to observe out the most popular weblog topics in your niche.

Notation: When you're just starting out, information technology's best to write virtually popular blog topics. This will garner traffic more than quickly and assist your blog abound. One time your Blog is gaining consistent traffic, you tin slowly beginning blogging about more unique topics.

v. Find your USP (Unique Selling Position)

I cannot stress this plenty.

There are a lot of helpful posts and tutorials that I've read, only sometimes, I feel similar a robot has written them. Your readers desire to know the real you behind your weblog. A lot of people might cover the same topic you accept.

Your personality needs to shine through your blog.

What makes your blog unique is the way y'all tell information technology—your voice.

The way you connect the dots. Everybody's perspective is different. So, write from your heart.

Note: I am an Illustrator and Comic Creative person by nature. So, I attempt to include lots of illustrations and humor in my posts to get in easy for people to read.

Paul Scrivens loves to exist controversial and factual. Every mail he writes oozes his personality, and people love it.

Detect your "why" and limited yourself whole-heartedly.

Additionally, yous can use my Business Planner to help yous discover your vocalization and start a Business the correct way!

Want a cute Business Plan to help you start and grow a blog from scratch the right way? I got you covered! #blog #business #bloggintips #printable #cuteprintable

6. Have an enticing title

Using relevant keywords is going to assist your Web log Mail accomplish the meridian.

For example, if you blazon "Things to write in a bare notebook" in Google, my post comes up as the tertiary search!

Information technology's had over xxx,000 shares and is still responsible for a lot of traffic to my website.

Remember, the headline of your Blog Post is super important. Only if the headline resonates with the reader, they will click on it to detect out more than.

And then, how do you lot write a proficient headline?

  • Aim to invoke emotions like fright/curiosity/happiness. Due east.1000., This Mutual Food is making you put on weight unknowingly!
  • Use odd and prime number numbers to invoke curiosity. E.g., vii Reasons Why Your Wife Isn't Talking to you!
  • Add urgency to get readers to click on your title. E.g., How to become confident in your interview in the next five minutes!

Writing headlines takes practice. It doesn't happen in a snap.

Just here's a tip that's worked for me.

Study your competitors.

Hop on Pinterest and read a few weblog posts in your niche. Earlier clicking on a title, inquire yourself why you decided to click on it.

What made you click on information technology?

This technique has helped me draft meliorate weblog mail titles.

Notation down the titles that make you want to click on them and keep them in a swipe file.

Employ this Swipe File as a template to write your headlines.

Before publishing every post, write downward at to the lowest degree 10-15 headlines. Put them in CoSchedule'due south Headline Tester.

If information technology gets a high score, employ information technology equally your main championship. Use the others for your other pins. I explain my Pinterest strategy in this mail.

7. Have a common theme for your weblog post images

My Blog Post images have a mutual theme, meaning if anyone sees my Blog Mail service graphic on any social media (irrespective of who's shared it), they're going to know information technology's from me.

Make sure y'all take a template and stick to it.

People can recognize my images on Pinterest and Google because they follow a theme.
Blog post images must have a common theme to build a better and cohesive brand

I in one case emailed a very famous Blogger in my niche to let her know that I'd mentioned her in my Web log Post, and this is what she replied:

Make sure your pins have the same theme. This will let readers all over the world recognize you by just looking at your pins.

I was super honored to know that she already knew me!

Now, mine include illustrations. But you can practice this with stock photos equally well!

And then, what should you lot keep in mind when designing pins/blog post images?

  • Use a similar theme of stock photos.
  • Do not use more than two-iii fonts on your blog post paradigm.
  • Add your Domain Watermark to the bottom of the image to foreclose stealing.

And call back to embed images in your web log posts so that you tin break abroad from big groups of texts.

This volition aid your reader not get sore eyes.

Make sure that you embed images in your posts to avoid the reader from getting sore eyes.

Additionally, you can besides embed videos in your blog posts. And the quickest way to do that is to film them using your laptop, phone, or an inexpensive vlogging camera.


Overall, the process of writing viral web log posts is a tad bit long but super easy.

By constantly writing content that clicks with one blazon of audition, you get an skilful, and yous will make a lot of sales and commissions considering yous will have congenital trust.

Adding Content Upgrades to your content so that y'all tin quickly build sales funnels

What is a content upgrade?

A Content Upgrade is a pocket-sized and elementary resources y'all offer to your readers in substitution for their e-mail.

This tin be a modest poster, checklist, workbook, ebook, printable, etc. basically anything that volition assistance your reader understand the topic better in club to get their email addresses

The smaller and easier it is to consume, the more you will exist able to connect with your subscribers.

Once you lot get an e-mail address, they should enter an email sequence.

How does a sales funnel work?

In your e-mail sequence, you lot should brand the subscriber aware of the trouble, educate them most the trouble, and slowly innovate them to your product or service that will help them solve the trouble!

Which means that your opt-in/pb magnet should be related to the paid product that is pitched to them at the terminate of the sequence.

This is the central to making consistent digital product sales.

This is a typical Sales Funnel that near all Meridian Bloggers follow.

This diagram shows how a customer moves through a sales funnel. After reading your blog, your prospective reader signs up to receive your emails, and eventually buys from you thus becoming a customer!

In this mail service, I explain how I've set up a digital sales funnel using ConvertKit that allows me to earn over $600.

Where do you put your opt-ins?

This detail tip will make or break your blog.

People have go bullheaded to opt-ins because in that location are everywhere.

People become blind to opt-ins because they are everywhere.

And so, you need to get sneaky.

You tin insert them in your header image on the front page like how I do here:

Or y'all can insert them in your posts like how Meera does here:

Or, you can insert your opt-in form in your blog posts like how Meera Kothand does!

Or in your header similar how Ana does:

Using an efficient E-mail Marketing Software

ConvertKit is 1 of the best email collecting bad male child machines in my stance.

Collecting emails is important considering once you have a huge listing of emails, you tin transport your followers newsletters every week.

These newsletters can include your products, services, helpful information and links to your latest blog posts. This not simply establishes you lot as an expert simply also helps y'all build a stiff connection with people who love your web log.


These followers eventually get your customers because they beloved yous and your products.

And when your readers proceed coming dorsum to your web log for more resources and helpful data, your pageviews increment – giving you a risk to get more sponsored mail service deals, and increasing your ad and affiliate revenue.

Blogging Income Reports that show you how more blog traffic can help you earn more money online.

Then, more traffic basically equals more revenue.

You tin can take my free 5 day e-mail course that volition teach you to double your weblog traffic with only a few fixes.

Why I prefer ConvertKit over Mailchimp fifty-fifty though ConvertKit costs $29 a calendar month

When I was first starting out, I used Mailchimp because it's free for your kickoff 2000 subscribers. Just Mailchimp didn't let me grow and if you have one person subscribed for two different opt-ins, they enter two lists and are counted equally ii people!

This is very annoying because you can't proceed the same person in more than i listing without paying extra.

Sneaky lil' Mailchimp.

Aside from this, creating sales funnels is very difficult.

Then, afterwards a whole year of using Mailchimp and only earning nearly 2000 followers, I switched to ConvertKit and made over 10 forms to collect email addresses which led me to earn over 2000 additional followers in less than fifty days.

Say whut?

Switching to ConvertKit doubled my followers immediately.

If y'all're serious about growing your web log and e-mail listing, I urge you to choose ConvertKit as your electronic mail marketing platform. Yous're never going to plough back.

If you're just starting your weblog and want to go on your blogging expenses depression, then stick to Mailchimp. Upgrade when yous're fix to create and sell your own digital products on your blog.

You lot can also tag readers based on their clicks in the emails you lot send out via ConvertKit.

Let'southward say yous are a food blogger. You send out a vegan recipe. Those who click on the link to read information technology, are evidently interested in vegan recipes. You can tag these people equally Vegans.

Convertkit is super flexible and lets you tag your subscribers according to their interests so you can send them emails that they are interested in, which will increase your open rates!

If the same person clicks on a meat recipe, y'all can add some other tag to them called "Meat-a-holics"

Past segmenting your readers, you will go a great idea of what products or posts you can pitch to your readers. And this volition help you make more sales.

Additionally, you can set up an automation that directly sends them into a pre-written email sequence in one case they're tagged.

ConvertKit also helps you build landing pages very easily!

>>Accept A Costless TRIAL OF CONVERTKIT<<

If you're looking for a more cost-effective solution, yous can also accept a expect at SendPulse which is another email marketing platform where y'all can send bulk emails.

Growing your Weblog Traffic from the ground up

1. Social Media is your friend

At present that you know how to create great quality blog posts and content upgrades/opt-ins to lure in your readers and assist them stick around, it'due south fourth dimension to learn the importance of promoting.

Y'all cannot write your blog post so sit down quietly expecting people to detect information technology.

It doesn't work.

I know this because I did the verbal affair during my commencement two months of blogging and got crickets.

When you offset out, yous're not going to be getting very good traffic because SEO takes a while to kick in.

The key is to be patient and keep promoting your content on all the social media that brings yous the most traffic. Pinterest is responsible for virtually 25% of my blogging traffic and brings me tons of views.

Pinterest is my Savior and it'due south never left me hangin'

Pinterest has very good customer service and will never leave you hanging as a blogger.

Read the electric current Pinterest strategies I'one thousand using in 2022 that actually work!

Note: If you would similar to come across more blogging tips on your Pinterest Feed, then exist sure to follow me so nosotros can be Pinterest buddies!

Later Pinterest, the second-best Social Media is Facebook.

Facebook can bring you a lot of views each month if you space out your posts and postal service virtually 4-5 times a day.


Afterward one month of blogging, you can start recording your stats in a notebook. Keep a notebook bated for coming up with blog post ideas and recording your social media stats.

Ultimately, your time should be divided similar this – 25% web log post creation and 75% blog mail promoting.

ii. Bring together Blogging communities

Aside from marketing on social media, go along aside fourth dimension to join FB groups so that you lot can be part of a community where you tin share your views and go help related to blogging.

It's nice to also help others because when you lot offer help and advice to others who were in your shoes 1 yr agone, you non but make friends but you lot as well plant yourself every bit an potency on the subject.

Endeavour and not to spam FB groups with links to your weblog posts unless absolutely necessary. However, if someone has asked for a resource and y'all accept one, you may postal service a link to your blog mail service merely if the admin allows it.

Helpful Tip: Instead of sending people to your web log posts, send them to your opt-in landing page. This mode, you will get people on your e-mail listing.

Furthermore, when yous brand online friends and take accountability buddies, you tin keep tabs on each other and be constantly motivated to work on your blog!

Having an accountability partner will help you stay motivated and increase your productivity!

iii. Comment on other blogs

There are tons of ways to market place your weblog for gratis, and this is by far the best one!

Whenever you similar a blog postal service and find information technology valuable – don't just get out.

Write a comment.

Ask a question.

Keep the conversation going wherever you go.

Not merely does this help you build relationships with bloggers, but it also makes you visible on the Blogging Map.

Comment on at least iii-4 blog posts every unmarried day. This volition help you get noticed in the blogging community. Make sure your comments are detailed and well-idea of.

Hither are a few posts to help y'all gain blog traffic:

  • 13 Proven Strategies to Decrease your Bounciness Rate
  • 27 Easy Ways to Double your Blog Traffic
  • thirteen Free Means to Market your Blog and Business
  • How I currently use the manual pinning method in Pinterest in 2022
  • How I used Pinterest to gain 18,000 views in my 3rd-month blogging!
  • 17 Killer Ways to become Tons of Blog Comments

Monetizing your Web log

If you start an online web log, let it be out of a passion for blogging.

Monetizing your blog should not be your first priority, otherwise, your blog is non going to exist successful. Your key motive is to connect with people, put your words out into the globe and brand a name for yourself.

When do I start monetizing my blog?

For the outset couple of months (at to the lowest degree 4-five), don't focus too much on making coin.

Just focus on creating good-quality weblog posts and putting your proper name out there.

Building a make is super important!

Continue writing and adding valuable information to your pages and posts. You lot need to have a blog to promote, pregnant you need to have at least 10-20 blog posts on your blog before you start seeing a expert corporeality of traffic.

Subsequently you've gotten the hang of it, you tin start thinking about making money from your weblog.

Annotation, that in guild to make money from your blog, you're going to need a substantial amount of traffic.

Aim for at least 2000 pageviews a month in the kickoff.

Slowly keep raising the bar every bit your blog grows.

On a completely unlike note, if you're a Beginner Blogger and want to grow faster and improve only check out my Blogging Bundle.


Dissimilar Monetization Methods

Once y'all start a blog and it gets around 10,000 views, you can follow the below steps to brand coin from your web log.

  1. Ads – When yous're starting out, ads a adept way to make some extra chunk change. But in order for this to piece of work, you demand to have a lot of views because you simply get paid if people click on these or buy something by clicking on them. Personally, I don't employ Ads. Because I find it ruins my web design and makes everything look likewise cluttered.
  2. Affiliates – Being an affiliate for a product means you provide a link to a production (that you are an chapter for) and if someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, the visitor provides you with a lilliputian committee at no actress cost to the person who clicked on the link.
  3. Products – I've fabricated a lot of printables and eBooks that I sell in my shop. And yous can besides. Yous tin either start a store on Etsy or Creative Market or sell your products on your blog like how I sell my ebooks.
  4. Services – Yous may be an artist/photographer/writer/designer/wedding planner. Advertise your services on your very ain page. Allow people know what you're practiced at so they can hire y'all with a click of a button.
  5. Sponsored Posts – Write emails to brands you want to collaborate with, asking them if you can write a review featuring their product. It'south a smashing fashion to earn money at the beginning of your blogging journey and earn some recognition.

Hither are a few resources to assistance yous understand more than about Weblog Monetization:

  • 7 Income Streams to add together to your blog right now!
  • How to brand sales funnels with digital products
  • How much does it cost to Maintain a Fully-Functioning Web log?
  • Why your blog is non making any money!

If you similar reading and you lot're looking for a resource to learn how to create a weblog, calculate your profitability and feasibility for each monetization technique to implement the right ones for your blog. I suggest you cheque out my 270+ page eBook that will teach yous every single strategy I've adopted for mine!

This eBook will teach you to start a blog and integrate services, products and content in your Blog so that you can make money blogging! Learn how to start an online business that makes money from the start!

Additionally, you can download my free 12 folio Blog Planner correct hither.

Is this the stop?


Once you start your blog, your journey every bit a Blogger has only begun.

I know I've covered a lot of points, and I know it'southward piece of cake to get overwhelmed.

Hey, I experience y'all.

Therefore, brand sure you bookmark this commodity to keep coming back to information technology and read it at your own step.

I'm a Computer science Engineer by default, simply I've managed to create a blog that'southward cocked and artistic that helps people and helps me earn my living as a Blogger. All my blogging knowledge comes from a lot of reading and experience.

Why am I telling y'all this?

Because I desire you to know that anyone can start a weblog and brand money from it.

I tin.

Yous can.

I'm pretty sure my dogs have their blogs also.

Right now, every person and their dog has a blog. Learn how to start a blog with my super easy step-by-step guide!

Just the secret to a successful weblog, little grasshopper, is never to cease trying.

Consistency is the key.

Sometimes, you might not reach all the results you lot want to immediately.

Sometimes, you lot volition experience frustrated or upset because you volition feel like you're getting nowhere.

Even then, never let information technology bring you lot downwards. Remember, nobody became a super blogger in one 24-hour interval. In fact, information technology takes months (even years) of exercise and consistency to accomplish the top.

Here are a few posts to help you go past those initial hurdles:

  • 13 Deadly Mistakes I made in my First Web log – This mail volition help you lot understand what mistakes to avoid in order to grow a successful blog.
  • ten New Blogger Tips every Blogger must implement when starting a Blog – I cut to the chase. At that place are certain rules you must follow when you weblog.
  • 11 Fatal SEO Sins that are Pain your Blog – The best mode to abound your blog traffic? Brand your blog super SEO friendly.
  • A Super Easy Guide on discovering your Blog Niche – Still confused on what niche to choose for your web log? This post includes the meridian blog niches that make the most money!
  • eleven Easy Hacks to Stand Out a Brand New Blogger – This post will help you understand how to stand out in a ocean of blogs!

And that brings united states of america to a shut of learning how to start an online weblog.

I wish you all the best with starting your blog!

And then, what is your Blog almost? Permit me know in the comments below.

And if this post helped you learn something new, be a doll and share it with the world.







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